See your doctor online via video consultation
With immediate effect we are offering online consultation for both current and new patients.
Now you can see your doctor from anywhere on earth or just from home.

Here is how your video consultation works
* The access code always only applies to one video consultation contact. For a renewed contact you will have to repeat the procedure.
Please send the signed form to us:
- fax to us: 09131 – 97 97 261
- scann and e-mail to us:
- by mail sent to: Hausarztpraxis am Anger Dr. Onay-Ehrensberger, Michael-Vogel-Straße 1d, 91052 Erlangen
- bring it to our medical practice
If you are generally interested in video consultation, you can also take care of this in advance when you come to our practice next time.
See your doctor online – Your advantages
Simple Technology
Video consultation works best via your smartphone or tablet.
You can also use your PC or laptop with webcam & internet without additional software installation. The following browsers are most suitable: Google Chrome (preferred), Safari or Mozilla Firefox – Internet Explorer and Edge are currently not supported.
If you want to use additional advantages of CLICKDOC, you can also use the CLICKDOC-App.
Faster response times
Closer support of long-term patients and in case of acute problems. Online consultation is especially suitable for counseling, discussion of results, aftercare appointments or progress monitoring. However, it does not replace possibly necessary examinations at the actual medical practice.
Wherever you are
You can stay at home and still see your doctor. Speak to your doctor online from a place of your choice. Well suited for patients in rural areas with long journeys to the practice, or if you want to contact us from your vacation place.
What is discussed between doctor and patient needs special protection. For this, we use the certified CLICKDOC platform. Compared to other video conference services such as Skype or WhatsApp, CLICKDOC has therefore special security mechanisms preventing unauthorized third parties from listening in.
Data protection principles
Of course we do not record any images and/or sound of the video consultation – but the patient or a third person must not do this, either!